Welcome to Naturopathic Medicine
Welcome to my blog!
My hope in creating a blog is to write about what comes up for me living as a Naturopathic student, mom, wife, friend, and inhabitor of this beautiful earth. The past 5 years have been a whirlwind of education about the human body and how to help others manifest a healthy and vibrant life, and so I hope to share the highlights with all of you. Every day I am learning something that I think "If others knew this too it would benefit them so much!", from nutrition and recipes, at-home remedies, caring for young children, stress management, to research about common health complaints and keeping up-to-date on the latest recommendations. Hopefully there will be something for everyone, because I myself feel like I have my foot in so many worlds. Graduating in June and earning my Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, the blog will evolve with me into my practice and continue to reveal all the health tips I learn along the way.
I hope that you find my posts informational, useful, and fun!

-Collection of common herbs-